.. _command_line_flags: *************** Command line flags *************** venus run ---- Run tests specified as an argument to the -t or --test option. When this command is executed, venus will look for a `.venus` config file in the current directory or otherwise traverse upwards until one is found. If no config file is found you will recieve an error. Options: :: -h, --help output usage information -t, --test [tests] Comma separated string of tests to run -p, --port [port] port to run on -n, --phantom [path to binary] Use phantomJS client to run browser tests -s, --selenium Use selenium client to run browser tests -r, --selenium-server [url] Specify selenium server to use -b, --selenium-browser [browser] Specify browser to use with selenium -l, --locale [locale] Specify locale to use -v, --verbose Run in verbose mode -d, --debug Run in debug mode -c, --coverage Generate Code Coverage Report --require-annotations Ignore test files lacking Venus annotations (@venus-*) Basic format: :: venus run --test [path to folder containing tests or single test file] [options] Usage (Run JavaScript tests found in a folder and its subfolders in phantomjs headless browser): :: venus run -t myproject/containing/tests --phantom ---------- venus init ---------- Generates a ``.venus`` project folder, with a boilerplate config file Options: :: -h, --help output usage information -l, --locale [locale] Specify locale to use -v, --verbose Run in verbose mode -d, --debug Run in debug mode Usage: :: venus init Output: :: |-.venus/ |-config |-adaptors/ |-templates/ |-libraries/ Boilerplate `.venus/config` file: :: // Configuration file for Venus // All paths can be relative (to the location of this config file) or absolute { default: {}, libraries: {}, binaries: {}, static: {}, includes: {}, basePaths: {} } venus demo ---- Runs an example venus test using Mocha and PhantomJS Example: :: venus demo